1. Biological Effects of MRI Contrast Agents: Gadolinium Retention, Potential Mechanisms, and a Role for Phosphorus
Garcia J, Liu S, Louie AY*. (2017) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A
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2. EPR and Structural Characterization of Water Soluble Mn2+ doped Si Nanoparticles
Atkins T, Walton J, Singh M, Ganguly S, Janka O, Louie A, Kauzlarich S. (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 121(3):1948-1956.
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3. Contrast Agents for MRI: Standard Biological and in vivo methods: Cell Toxicity, Binding, and Uptake
Tang Tang T, Louie AY*, (2017) (In press) invited book chapter for Contrast Agents for MRI: Physical Methods Editors: Valerie C. Pierre and Matthew J. Allen.
4. A Metal Free Method for Producing MRI Contrast at Amyloid Beta.
Hilt S^, Tang T^, Rojalin T, Budamagunta M, Maezawa I, Wachsman-Hogiu S, Viitala T, Walton JH, Louie AY, Voss JC*. (2017) (In press) Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. (Hilt and Tang co- first author, T Tang graduate student in Louie lab)
5. Comparative Evaluation of Substituent Effect on the Photochromic Properties of Spiropyrans and Spirooxazines
Balmond E, Tautges B, Faulkner A, Or V., Hodur B, Shaw JT, Louie AY*. (2016) Journal of Organic Chemistry, 81(19):8744-8758.
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6. PET/SPECT/MRI Multimodal Nanoparticles
Garcia J, Tang T, Louie AY. (2016) (In press) invited book chapter for Design and Applications of Nanoparticles in Biomedical Imaging. Editors Jeff WM Bulte and Mike Modo.
7. Systematic Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of O-Sulfated Sialyl Lewis x Antigens
Santra A, Yu H, Tasmina N, Muthana M, Li Y, Zeng J, Kenyon NJ, Louie, AY, Chen X. (2016) Chemical Science 7:2827.
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8. Preparation of a conjugation-ready thiol responsive molecular switch
Tautges B, Or V, Garcia J, Shaw JT, Louie AY. (2015) Tetrahedron Letters.
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9. Quantitative Assessment of Binding Affinities for Nanoparticles Targeted to Vulnerable Plaque
Tang T, Tu C, Chow S, Leung K, Du S, Louie AY. (2015) Bioconjugate Chemistry.
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10. Nanoparticle-based Multimodal PET/MRI probes
Garcia J, Tang T, Louie AY. invited review, (2015) Nanomedicine.
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11. Multimodality imaging probes targeted to activated macrophages
Tu C, Ng T, Jacobs RJ, Louie AY*. (2014) JBIC.
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12. A Firefly Luciferase Mutant with Enhanced Activity and Thermostability
Pozzo T, Akter F, Nomura Y, Louie AY, Yokobayashi Y*. (2018) ACS Omega 3 (3), pp 2628–2633
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13. Biological Effects of MRI Contrast Agents: Gadolinium Retention, Potential Mechanisms, and a Role for Phosphorus
Garcia J, Liu S, Louie AY*. (2017) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A.
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